Contributions to the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event #1

Contributions to the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event #1


May 17, 2023

Today was the first day of the Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE). This event is committed to introduce innovative methodologies and technological resources recently employed to investigate the manifold aspects of the urban environment through orbital and airborne remote sensing data. The 2023 edition of JURSE takes place in Heraklion in Greece. You can follow the event at or at Twitter via #JURSE2023 

The Earth Observation Research Hub and the Earth Observation Center of the German Aerospace Center provided today a lot of contributions. Hannes Taubenböck gave on behalf of the fellow conference chairs Monika Kuffer, Clement Mallet and Devis Tuia a talk in the introductory session on the vision and the history of the JURSE.  


Ines Standfuß gave a presentation titled “Categorizing urban areas into “core”, “fringe” and “periphery” based on the built-up morphology“. Jeroen Staab presented his work in a talk on “Using CNNs on Sentinel-2 data for noise modelling“. Thomas Stark gave a talk on “Detecting challenging urban environments using a few-shot meta-learning approach“. Yrneh Ulloa-Torrealba presented her research work on “Solid waste on the streets and socioeconomic class using remote sensing“. 


Dorothee Stiller presented a poster titled “Performance, Time, Efficiency: Comparative Analysis of CNNs for Building Extraction“. Johannes Mast presented a poster titled “Linking remote sensing data and online engagement in flood events in Nigeria“.

Hannes Taubenböck presented a poster on “The ‘ghost city’ phenomenon in China: mapping and categorization at intra-urban scale“.  




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