Course on Advanced Remote Sensing taught at FUT Minna

Course on Advanced Remote Sensing taught at FUT Minna

July 26, 2020

Our colleagues Steven Hill and Dr. Michael Thiel were giving a two weeks online course on Advanced Remote Sensing at the Federal University of Minna (Nigeria) within the frame work of the WASCAL Graduate Program Climate Change and Human Habitats.

The course took place in June and July 2020 and combined lectures and hands-on sessions with a wide range of topics:

  • Introduction into Remote Sensing
  • Current and important former sensor systems
  • Data access
  • Image enhancement and interpretation
  • Vegetation indices
  • State-of-the-art image classification methods
  • Object-oriented image analysis
  • Data Cubes
  • Practical hands-on sessions in R

The course evaluation was based on a practical work on topic that the students selected by themselves. All students past the course successfully and we are happy to look forward to further cooperate with the students in the future.

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