Recent open positions:
full position within WASCAL project, West African vegetation and phenology
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in: Großflächige Erfassung von Vegetationsstruktur und Phänologie in Agrarlandschaften Westafrikas” Die Stelle eines/r wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters/in am Lehrstuhl für Fernerkundung, Institut für Geographie und Geologie der...
PhD position: “Current and future crop yield levels – assessments based on remote sensing time series and climate model outputs”
This PhD project at the Department of Remote Sensing, Institute of Geography and Geology focuses on the further development of a light use efficiency model for monitoring of biomass and prediction of crop yields for wheat, maize and rapeseed. Innovation potentials...
Call for Master’s thesis at the Department of Remote Sensing
In situ and radar-based assessment and analysis of the surface soil moisture and its dynamic in the agrarian landscape in South Italy
Objective Semi-arid to arid climate determines the natural water availability in the Mediterranean. In particular, groundwater reservoirs are the main source of freshwater in the Mediterranean region. Climate change as well as increasing water consumption in irrigated agriculture are identified as major drivers of increasing groundwater scarcity and overuse of fragile groundwater resources.