Recent open positions:
New PostDoc at our department: Dr. Usman
Dr. Ing. Muhammad Usman is a new PostDoc in the CottonGrow Projekt since summer 2017. He is an engineer by profession with his bachelor in Agricultural Engineering back in 2005 from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. He did his master in Irrigation...
Open Position in the Central Asian Water project
Open position in the Central Asian Water (CAWa) project, starting on October 1st. Due to the need of german language proficiency all further details are posted in german below: Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in) Lehrstuhl für...
open position on landuse classification
Please see below a full or 50% position for up to 2 years in the WueMoCa project on landuse classification. Due to the fact that german language proficiency is required further details are provided just in german. Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r)...