LANDSURF: 2nd End-user Workshop “Evaluation of the Decision Support System (DSS)”

LANDSURF: 2nd End-user Workshop “Evaluation of the Decision Support System (DSS)”


June 28, 2023

Within the WASCAL WRAP 2.0 project LANDSURF the 2nd End-user Workshop “Evaluation of the Decision Support System (DSS)” took place at 26th June. Within the workshop the project partners presented their contribution to the DSS and received feedback from end-useres that tested the platform beforehand. The virtual workshop was well attended with 28 participants from six countries. The DSS that is developed within LANDSURF provides a user-oriented graphical interface with a strong focus on parameters that can be related/utilzed for decision making in the broader context of agriculture in West Africa. Additional information on land use change and data uncertainty is included as well in the DSS platform. Results from the FURIFLOOD project will also be integrated in the DSS – thus it also serves as an example of our successful synergistic research effort between multiple projects.

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