Florian Betz is a new postdoc joining the Earth Observation Research Cluster from February 2024 as principal investigator of his own German Research Foundation funded project on fluvial biogeomorphology. Florian has a PhD in physical geography from the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt where he has worked as research associate on various projects on river and floodplain research in Central Asia and the Danube region until March 2023. After his time in Eichstätt, he joined the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University as a visiting scholar. His research is in the context of interdisciplinary river science focusing on how the complex interaction of hydrologic, geomorphic and ecologic processes shapes riverine landscapes and how these complex process regimes are the foundation of ecosystem service provision. Within his project at the Earth Observation Research Cluster, he works among others towards the use of satellite time series to assess river dynamics in spatially and temporally continuous way in order to better understand cross-scale riverine landscape development. To find out more about Florians work, check out his Researchgate profile https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Florian-Betz.
Prof Dr Christian Geiß successfully passed his habilitation colloquium
Today, Prof Dr Christian Geiß successfully passed his habilitation colloquium at the University of Würzburg. The topic of his lecture was on "Earth observation techniques for monitoring wars and conflicts" – a subject area that is still comparatively...