New PostDoc Julian Fäth

New PostDoc Julian Fäth

May 16, 2024

Julian Fäth joined the Earth Observation Research Cluster in May 2024 as PostDoc focussing on forestry in the EO4CAM project. Julian studied forest science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he also completed his PhD at the Professorship of Forest Nutrition and Water Balance. He then joined the Department of Physical Geography at the University of Würzburg for the project “Soil water balance at forest sites with different lithologies in northern Bavaria -SoilWaterForest”. During his time at the TUM, he addressed questions considering nutrient-sustainable forest management and forest nutritional indices as well as the ecological impact of leached heavy metals from hunting ammunition on different ecosystems. As project staff in the SoilWaterForest project, he worked on the detection and interpretation of spatio-temporal soil moisture changes in forest ecosystems using both traditional methods from forest science (e.g. soil moisture sensors, soil analysis) and modern methods from geophysics (e.g. Electrical resistivity tomography) as well as the application and interpretation of hydrological models.
Check out Julians work on his Researchgate profile
or his ORCID profile

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