Johannes Löw re-joined the team at the department of remote sensing as a member of the Demmin 4.0 PhenoSAR Project. In the context of PhenoSAR-Demmin he investigates the potential of various polarimetric and interferometric SAR features for farmland monitoring, especially phenological developments. As the project title suggests, his focus area is the TERENO/JECAM-Site Demmin, but a transfer of methods to other EU or NAFTA regions is also envisioned.
During his previous employment at the BMBF-financed MedWater-project, he co-developed a Sentinel-1/2 based framework for deriving information about near surface soil moisture and land use in arid/ semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean.
Johannes holds B.Sc in Geography and graduated as part of the first generation of the EAGLE-M.Sc program at the University of Würzburg. He wrote his M.Sc-thesis on Sentinel-1 based interferometric and polarimetric crop signatures in North-eastern Germany.