Our WASCAL partner is about to launch the application for the fifth batch of Graduate students

Our WASCAL partner is about to launch the application for the fifth batch of Graduate students

March 1, 2021

We are very happy to have learnt that the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research announced that WASCAL is working on the start of the 5th batch of WASCAL graduate students on Climate Change related topics in West Africa (https://www.fona.de/de/aktuelles/nachrichten/2021/210204_WASCAL-Board-Meeting.php).

The previous fourth batch of students is currently conducting their research projects on various topics facing research on various climate change related topics, like flood risk, food security, sustainable energy, land use change and many others. We are honored that our team in Würzburg can support these young scientists on their scientific projects with both training and administrative support. We are very much looking forward to the results and are sure they will enrich the West African community of climate research scientists, as the first three batches already did.

We are optimistic that the development of the current COVID-19 pandemic will allow us to welcome the students of the fourth batch for a research stay in Germany later this year or next year and are looking forward to be a source of scientific and organizational assistance.

We eagerly await the start of the new batch and are ready to support them with lectures, supervision and and in administrative matters in order to continue our fruitful cooperation.

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