At the 2024 General Assembly of the European Geoscience Union (EGU), the poster presentation “Channel-floodplain connectivity drives vegetation dynamics in semiarid floodplains: a remote sensing analysis of the Naryn river corridor in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia” by Magdalena Lauermann, co-authored by EORC postdoc Florian Betz, received the prestigious outstanding student and PhD candidate presentation award (OSPP). Magdalena is PhD student at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and is affiliated with the “FluBig” project on multi-scale fluvial biogeomorphology based at the Earth Observation Research Cluster. In her work, Magdalena analyzes the impact of complex process regimes and riverine landscape connectivity on the succession of floodplain vegetation at the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan using an innovative combination of field research, digital terrain analysis and satellite remote sensing.
The OSPP is awarded annually to outstanding to a small number of outstanding early career scientists based on the criteria of scientific excellence, relevance for the specific field of research and discussion skills of the PhD student. The award comes with a free participation in EGU 2025, a presentation on the EGU website and a free publication in one of the renowned EGU journals. First of all, the OSPP award is a recognization of excellent scientific work and its presentation – so congratulations to Magdalena from the entire FluBig team!
Link to the EGU abstract and the pdf file of the poster: