Boris Ouattara (Physical Geography and part of the WASCAL-DE-Coop project) presented his research on West African vegetation fire and its induced emission at the EGU Galileo Conference “Fire impacts at the Earth surface across space and time: perspectives for future fire management”. This conference was held in Bad Belzig, Germany, from 28th of March to 1st of April 2022, and aimed at providing a discussion-driven meeting to facilitate knowledge transfer between fire science disciplines and to identify research needs to support fire management in the future.

Boris presented on the WASCAL Fire Toolbox aiming at Filling Gaps in Landscape Fire Detection, Smoke, and Management in Africa. With his study conducted in the context of the BMBF-funded WASCAL-DE-Coop project, Boris contributes to the scientific landscape of WASCAL in West Africa.
We congratulate him on being awarded the best Ph.D. candidate presentation for the Early Career Scientists short talk and poster competition.