PhD position: Climatic impacts on phenology of grassland and crops – APPLICATION CLOSED

PhD position: Climatic impacts on phenology of grassland and crops – APPLICATION CLOSED

June 12, 2015

Tunilogo-1024x449he MICMoR Research School on Mechanisms and Interactions of Climate Change in Mountain Regions is an interdisciplinary and international graduate program providing high quality training for doctoral students in the field of climate change research. Its research focus is to understand climate change processes in mountain regions through research at the interfaces of the atmosphere, biosphere, pedo- and hydrosphere. MICMoR is funded by the Helmholtz Association and hosted by KIT’s Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU) in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. MICMoR Partners are the Universities of Munich (LMU and TUM), Augsburg, Bayreuth and Würzburg, as well as the German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen and the Helmholtz Center Munich.

MICMoR Research School invites applications for

3 Full Fellowships for Doctoral Students

from highly motivated and enthusiastic students with a keen interest in interdisciplinary MICMoR-related research and with an excellent degree (Master or Diploma) in a climate change discipline, such as physics, meteorology, geography, biology, environmental sciences or related areas.

Successful candidates are expected to work on one of the 3 following doctoral projects, with the supervisors listed, and affiliated to KIT/IMK-IFU, the University of Würzburg or TUM Munich:

  1. Analysis of meso- and microscale hydrometeorological fluxes in TERENO preAlpine using WRF-LES (Harald Kunstmann, KIT/IMK-IFU & University of Augsburg,
  2. Climatic impacts on phenology of grassland and crops along a transect through altitudinal zones using remote sensing (Christopher Conrad, University of Würzburg,
  3. Emission of allergenic grass pollen from TERENO preAlpine observatory sites (Annette Menzel, TUM Munich,

For more detailed descriptions of the doctoral projects see

Fellowships will start in fall or winter 2015 and be awarded for up to 3 years. Fellows will receive a tax-free monthly fellowship of 1.365 EUR plus health insurance allowance and a family allowance if applicable.

Applicants please contact one of the above scientists to state your interest in one of the 3 topics with brief information on your academic background. Suitable candidates will receive more detailed information on the application process and guidelines. The deadline for applications is August 15, 2015.

MICMoR Research School is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It explicitly welcomes applications from abroad and encourages women to apply.

For further information on MICMoR, its research and training program, its partners and the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric Environmental Research (KIT/IMK-IFU) please visit our homepage or contact us:

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