PhD student Antonio Castañeda-Gómez presented UAS application for forest monitoring

PhD student Antonio Castañeda-Gómez presented UAS application for forest monitoring


September 13, 2024

Our PhD student Antonio Castañeda-Gómez represented the Earth Observation Research Cluster (EORC) at the ForestSAT conference in Rotorua, New Zealand (

His exciting talk about “Monitoring Forest Management Activities with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution using Multispectral VTOL UAS,” provided valuable
insights into UAS data collected from European forest ecosystems. He showed results from his study site, the University Forest near Sailershausen, Bavaria, Germany.

Antonio compared this high temporal and spatial-resolution data with Sentinel-2 satellite time series, showcasing both its potential and limitations.

Antonio demonstrated how UAS and satellite data can complement one another. By accounting for key differences, he illustrated how these datasets can be not only comparable but also complementary, unlocking synergies that offer more robust and holistic solutions for forest management monitoring.

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