What are the effects of climate change on Africa?
Our colleague Michael Thiel delved into this pressing question during a public lecture on Tuesday, February 11th, at the Weltladen in Würzburg. In an intimate and engaging setting, Mr. Thiel discussed the multifaceted impacts of climate change on the African continent. His talk covered a range of topics, including the profound effects on agriculture, the natural environment, and urban life.
Michael Thiel drew on his extensive experience managing various projects across Africa to illustrate his points. He highlighted how climate change is disrupting traditional farming practices, leading to food insecurity and economic challenges for many communities and what methods are implemented to combate these challenges.
The event was a collaborative effort, organized by Weltladen Würzburg in partnership with the University of Würzburg Community, particularly the Geography Alumni Network, the Geographical Society of Würzburg, and the Forum Africa Center of the University of Würzburg. The lecture provided valuable insights and fostered a meaningful dialogue on the urgent need for climate action.
(Photos: Janneke Tiegna (title) and Winfried Weber)