Snow measurements with Lidar and multispectral UAS data

Snow measurements with Lidar and multispectral UAS data


September 23, 2024

Last week our UAS team was at the Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus to conduct drone field work at the Zugspitze. The weather was perfect for doing field work with little wind, a lot of sunshine, and beautiful views of the Alps. Our UAS pilots Elio Rauth, Luisa Pflumm, Baturalp Arisoy, and Konstantin Müller performed flights with lidar and multispectral sensors to collect data about the freshly fallen snow. Next to the drone flights, the team also manually measured snow depths in the study area. In many places the snow was more than a meter deep, so that the team had to wear snow shoes. We can’t wait to see how the UAS data turned out and will definitely miss the beautiful views during our lunch break!

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