Introducing our tutors

Introducing our tutors

April 24, 2018

from left to right: Jakob, Patrick, Katrin and Marius

Katrin Hasenbein, Patrick Horst, Marius Philipp and Jakob Rieser are supporting us teaching the lecture „Applications of geographical Remote Sensing“ within the bachelor study program.

Katrin and Marius are studying within our EAGLE master program and hold a BSc in geography from Munich and Wuerzburg universities. Jakob and Patrick are BSc students with a major in remote sensing and are part of team for three study terms.

The tutorials take place on a weekly basis and start today. After each lecture, an exercise sheet is given to the students that will be reviewed in the tutorial. Our four tutors help to strengthen the  student’s knowledge on EO and provide a platform for further questions. Based on the content of the lecture, some tutorials will include hands-on-data exercises in EO and GIS software.

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