Contribution to an article in ZEIT online

Contribution to an article in ZEIT online

August 28, 2023

ZEIT online has published an article [in German] entitled “So trennt Hitze die deutschen Städte – Exklusive Daten zeigen eine soziale Hitzebelastung: Bereits heute heizen sich ärmere Stadtteile oft stärker auf als reichere Bezirke. Noch können Stadtplaner reagieren.” The English title is: „This is how heat divides German cities – Exclusive data shows a social heat burden: Already today, poorer city districts often heat up more than richer districts. Urban planners can still react.” For this study, Tobias Leichtle, Hannes Taubenböck and Thilo Erbertseder from the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) provided the surface temperatures for the 15 German cities analyzed. The ZEIT online team examined this data from DLR in combination with data on purchasing power from infas360 with regard to social heat stress for major German cities.


Here is the link to the article:





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