From Wednesday to Friday, EORC scientists Baturalp Arisoy and Florian Betz participated in the annual meeting of the German Society for Geomorphology which took place at the University of Leipzig. EORC showed two posters on “High performance Desert Analytics: characterizing earth surface dynamics in Arid Regions through ‘terrabyte’ and multi-sensor earth observation archives” and “Remotely sensed riverscapes: towards a better understanding of complex process regimes in river corridors across multiple spatial and temporal scales through earth observation”. In addition, there was a joint oral presentation with colleagues from the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt on the role of connectivity for riparian vegetation development and earth observation driven ways for analyzing this phenomenon. With these contributions, we introduced the potentials of modern remote sensing approaches for bettern understanding earth surface processes to the geomorphology community and showed first results from the “FluBig” project on fluvial biogeomorphology which started earlier this year.