A decade of research on poverty, slums and informal settlements with remote sensing

A decade of research on poverty, slums and informal settlements with remote sensing

September 4, 2024

Ten years ago, our first scientific article on slums was published – a study on the morphological and structural differences between slums and formal settlements.

This work was strongly motivated by impressions and experiences visiting areas of urban poverty across the globe – places where the struggle for existence, earning a living and access to urban opportunities may lead to arrival and social ascent, but also to failure and impoverishment. In a more journalistic contribution, we reflected on our personal impressions and thoughts of a visit in Paraisópolis, a favela in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

We take this decade of research work as an opportunity now to take a brief look back at the work done at the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen and our Earth Observation Research Cluster (EORC) of the University Würzburg. Here is a short recap of the many thematic, methodological and ethical contributions on poverty, slums and informal settlements with remote sensing and other geodata:

On morphologic forms of the built environment:

On spatial patterns of the built environment:

On spatio-temporal dynamics:

On classification methods using remotely sensed data:

On population assessment:

On social aspects:

On expsoure to natural hazards:

We also looked at the ethical aspects of mapping and analyzing areas of urban poverty, slums and informal settlements using remote sensing and other geodata:

And we looked at some challenges in general:

We would like to explicitly thank all our colleagues at DLR and the EORC, but also the many great researchers and research groups around the world with whom we have worked together to respond to the United Nations call for better data on poverty, slums and informal settlements. Explicit thanks to all the authors and co-authors of the studies and to the global network of colleagues. We are very much looking forward to the next decade of research!


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