cargobike based urban properties analysis

cargobike based urban properties analysis


July 29, 2023

In collaboration with colleagues from informatics (Marco Schmidt and Andreas Nüchter) we continue an urban properties mapping idea initially explored by our EAGLE students, the UrbanSens team. The main goal is to map the environmental properties of a city using different sensors, such as sound pollution, multi-spectral vegetation and urban properties and many more. Our colleague Marco Schmidt from the informatics institute equipped our cargo bike with some initial sensors within one of his courses. The students were very motivated to build sensors within a course which are actually going to be used for urban property mapping. More sensors such as Lidar will be mounted as well by Andreas Nüchter and in collaboration with Jürgen Rauh from social geograpy we aim to understand urban usage as well as urban climate and changes within the urban ecosystem in higher spatial details using bike-mounted sensors. Of course space- or air-borne sensors are already applied as well to map e.g. urban trees or urban morphology. More details will be provided soon also on

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