Department of Remote Sensing at the Tropentag 2022 in Prague

Department of Remote Sensing at the Tropentag 2022 in Prague

September 18, 2022

The Department of Remote Sensing at the University of Würzburg was represented with a total of five contributions at the Tropentag 2022, hosted by the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague from 14 to 16 September 2022.

Our Ph.D. students, Alexandra Bell, Itohan-Osa Abu, and Boris Ouattara presented their current research and results from the projects WASCAL-DE-Coop and Migraware.

In addition to own presentations, the time was used for scientific exchange and networking.

The presentations were:

Alexandra Bell, Sarah schönbrodt-Stitt, Michael Thiel, Oblé Neya, Doris Klein: Status-quo of selected nationally determined contributions using spaceborne remote sensing – the case of West Africa. Abstract (ID 263 ), oral presentation

Boris Ouattara, Michael Thiel, Gerald Forkuor, Barbara Sponholz, Heiko Paeth, Claudia Kuenzer, Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt, Steven Hill: Water use with cloud computing: prospective for food and water security in smallholder irrigation schemes. Abstract (ID 311 ), poster presentation  

Boris Ouattara, Gerald Forkuor, Michael Thiel, Barbara Sponholz, Heiko Paeth, Claudia Kuenzer: Crops monitoring and yield estimation using sentinel products in semi-arid informal irrigation system. Abstract (ID 284 ), poster presentation

Itohan-Osa Abu, Michael Thiel, Marta Sapena, Jürgen Rauh, Hannes Taubenböck: Migrants: the pull effect of rural industrial areas as seen from space. Abstract (ID 81), poster presentation  

Itohan-Osa Abu, Zoltan Szantoi, Andreas Bernhard Brink, Marine Robuchon, Michael Thiel: Detecting cocoa plantations in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and their implications on protected areas Abstract (ID 127), poster presentation

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