New paper published in the journal RaumPlanung

New paper published in the journal RaumPlanung

January 9, 2024

A new study related to the project “Large Housing Estates of the Future” was recently published by researchers of the RWTH Aachen, Reicher Haase Assozierte, the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of the DLR and our EOR Cluster of the University Würzburg. The paper titled “Viel Wohnen auf wenig Fläche” [engl. “Lots of living space in a small area”] shows possibilities for the transformation and development of large neighborhoods. The paper was just published by Vanessa Ziegler, Christa Reicher and Hannes Taubenböck in the Journal RaumPlanung. Here is the link to the issue:


Here is a link to the study “Large Housing Estates of the Future” [in German]:


See other posts on project related events:


We reported on a workshop earlier this year on the “large housing” topic – please see here:



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