New publication on amazing results from the niche – Remote sensing for urban research – in German

New publication on amazing results from the niche – Remote sensing for urban research – in German


January 30, 2023

New publication on remote sensing for urban research


Our professor Hannes Taubenböck has contributed a short article for the journal “Forschung und Lehre” [in German]. In it, he explores the question raised by the Space News magazine a few years ago: The coming data tsunami: a gathering tide of satellite imagery is headed our way – are we ready?



He describes how remote sensing has emerged from the niche of methodological-technical work and is increasingly bringing its data, methods, and concepts into the broad spectrum of urban geographic work. Or to put it another way: there are already promising approaches to use the mentioned data tsunami profitably for urban geographic work. In the combination of data expertise and interdisciplinary urban research lies the key. He concludes, yes, we are ready, but we are just at the beginning.


Here is the link to the contribution:


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