Basil Tufail joined the Earth Observation Research Cluster (EORC) as a doctoral student in late October. Basil earned his Bachelor’s in Space Sciences from the Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. He then completed the EAGLE Masters at the University of Würzburg in 2021. Since then, he has been part of the Institute of Earth Observation at Eurac Research in Bolzano, Italy, working on various vegetation-related projects and advanced computing for EO data. At the EORC, Basil’s research focuses on Alpine vegetation above the tree line, specifically the sub-nival vegetation and its role in the ecosystem.
EO4CAM expert dialogue in the Rhön on the contribution of EO for climate adaptation
On February 18, 2024, the EO4CAM project, with team members from the Earth Observation Center at the DLR and the EORC at the University of Würzburg, organized an expert dialogue in the Rhön. This dialogue focused on the UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve (BRR) as a pilot...