Christian Schäfer joined the EO4CAM project in May 2024. He received his Master’s degree in 2017 from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), focusing on GIS-based synthesis of transboundary soil maps. During his work in the JMU BigData@Geo project, he enhanced his skills in distributed hydrological modeling. As an enthusiastic user of R and Julia for geospatial applications, he will contribute to the team with modeling and data management strategies.
Check out Christian’s work on ResearchGate
EO4CAM expert dialogue in the Rhön on the contribution of EO for climate adaptation
On February 18, 2024, the EO4CAM project, with team members from the Earth Observation Center at the DLR and the EORC at the University of Würzburg, organized an expert dialogue in the Rhön. This dialogue focused on the UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve (BRR) as a pilot...