PhD retreat in the Alps

PhD retreat in the Alps


September 7, 2023

Last months our PhDs met for a few days in the Alps at the research station Schneefernerhaus (UFS), Zugspitze, to get to know each other better, introduce new students to old PhDs and exchange about their Earth Observation research. The PhD students introduced each other to the projects they are working in as well as their PhD topics and methods. However, they not only discussed science in the seminar room of UFS but also enjoyed the splendid weather and did joint hikes to different sites. Especially the join cooking, evening games etc. provided plenty of time for discussions and forming a network among our PhD students. They were also impressed by the research done at UFS, the facilities, options and infrastructure.
Our PhDs already started to plan the next PhD retreat next year and they are very much looking forward to it, especially with the numerous new and old PhD students hopefully being able to join next time.

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