Our colleagues Benjamin Leutner and Martin Wegmann (edt. of “Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists“) introduced the AniMove participants into remote sensing application for animal movement analysis at AniMove 2017. They covered the background as well as hands-on exercises using R and various own R packages such as RStoolbox, rsMove and moveVis and empowered the participants to acquire environmental information about their study area which was then being used to explain the space use of their study animals. Many impressive analysis and huge progress within this summer school could be seen and the AniMove lecturer are keen to see these new skills being used in various scientific projects.
PhD position: Earth Observation of drought and fire impacts
Job Announcement: PhD Position on EO research of Drought, Fire and Vegetation in Kruger National Park, South Africa Position: PhD ResearcherStudy Area: Kruger National Park, South AfricaApplication Deadline: until position is filledStart Date: as soon as possible...