updated RStoolbox version

updated RStoolbox version

January 29, 2016

The RStoolbox R package has been updated after some testing in courses and by colleagues. Please update your package using update.packages() or install the RStoolbox again.

New functions are:

  • new function `validateMap()` for assessing map accuracy separately from model fitting, e.g. after majority or MMU filtering
  • new function `getValidation()` to extract specific validation results of superClass objects (proposed by James Duffy)
  • new spectral index NDVIc (proposed by Jeff Evans)
  • new argument scaleFactor for `spectralIndices()` for calculation of EVI/EVI2 based on scaled reflectance values
  • implemented dark object subtraction radCor(..,method=’sdos’) for Landsat 8 data (@BayAludra, #4)

various changes were applied:

  • superClass() based on polygons now considers only pixels which have their center coordinate within a polygon
  • rasterCVA() now returns angles from 0 to 360° instead of 0:45 by quadrant (reported by Martin Wegmann and explained here)
  • improved dark object DN estimation based on maximum slope of the histogram in `estimateHaze` (@BayAludra, #4)

And some bugs fixed:

  • superClass() failed when neither valData or trainPartition was specified. regression introduced in 0.1.3 (reported by Anna Stephani)
  • spectralIndices() valid value range of EVI/EVI2 now [-1,1]
  • radCor() returned smallest integer instead of NA for some NA pixels
  • fix ‘sdos’ for non-contiguous bands in radCor (@BayAludra, #4)

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