Parliamentary evening in Berlin on “LARGE HOUSING ESTATES OF THE FUTURE”

Parliamentary evening in Berlin on “LARGE HOUSING ESTATES OF THE FUTURE”

October 21, 2023

A parliamentary evening on “LARGE HOUSING ESTATES OF THE FUTURE” took place in Berlin on October 17th 2023.


The project team of the RWTH Aachen, Reicher Haase Assozierte, the Sachverständigen Büro für Luftbildauswertung- und Umweltfragen (SLU) and the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) had the opportunity to present and discuss their study on “Large Housing Estates of the Future” at a Parliamentary Evening.

CRO Arnd Fittkau from Vonovia welcomed the parliamentarians and other invited experts and gave an overview of current challenges on the topic. Christian Kühn, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection gave a welcome speech and presented seven theses on the topic of large housing estates. Prof. Christa Reicher and Prof. Hannes Taubenböck introduced the study “Large Housing Estates of the Future“. This led in an exciting discussion with the parliamentarians and other invited experts. It became clear that large housing estates can contribute to a sustainable solution of the housing issue.


Here is a link to the study “Large Housing Estates of the Future” [in German]:

See other posts on the event:

We reported on a workshop earlier this year on the “large housing” topic – please see here:








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