Contribution to the Geo-IT podcast of gis.Radio

Contribution to the Geo-IT podcast of gis.Radio

December 1, 2023


For a new contribution to the Geo-IT podcast gis.Radio, Andreas Eicher interviewed our Professor Hannes Taubenböck about his recent talk at the Geographic Society Würzburg. We have reported on this talk:


In this new podcast, Hannes Taubenböck talks [in German] about how and where we live in Germany and which desires exist. Closely linked to these topics are discussions on the degree of urbanization, the building and housing crisis, but also the role that geoinformation and remote sensing data can play in building and living in the future. Listen to the podcast here:


You can also read the cover story in the journal “Real living behind the smart glitz” [in German] by Andreas Eicher. According to the article, the failures of the past in construction and housing policy are taking their revenge. The results include overpriced rents and a lack of living space. And the geo-IT sector? Its role is mostly limited to digital solutions, but forgets the analog process of a fundamental debate on the housing of the future. This article also includes a short written interview about the podcast – please see here:




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