For three days members of the DFG funded project BETA-FOR met in the National Park Bavarian Forest and all groups presented their ongoing research. Dr. Mirjana Bevanda presented the various UAS based Earth Observation activities within the BETA-FOR study sites. She and her team acquire a whole series of multi-spectral, thermal and Lidar time-series data. Moreover, our PhD candidate Patrick Kacic also reported about his Earth Observation forest approaches based on space-borne and air-borne sensors such as Sentinel-2. He also uses hyperspectral and radar data within his PhD thesis with respect to forest monitoring and status.
After the formal part of the scientific workshop all participants visited various sites in the National Park Bavarian Forest and some even went for spotting Lynx in the wild – and got lucky after more than 3 hours waiting in a hideout (image by Dr. Mirjana Bevanda).