EORC participates in the Final Technical Workshop on WRAP 2.0 with WASCAL

EORC participates in the Final Technical Workshop on WRAP 2.0 with WASCAL

October 15, 2024

The final technical workshop on WASCAL Reasearch and Action Plan 2.0 is currently taking place in Accra (Ghana). The final results of our MIGARWARE and LANDSURF projects will be presented there by our partners Prof. Heiko Paeth (LANDSURF) from Climatology group at University of Würzburg and Dr. Justice Nana Inkomm (MIGRAWARE) form University of Halle-Wittenberg. Our colleague Dr. Michael Thiel personally takes part in the workshop in Accra. Further information about the workshop can be found on the webside of the funder of the WRAP 2.0 program, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (short in english, full text in German) and soon on the webpage of WASCAL.


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