EORC Talk: Wald5Dplus: An open benchmark dataset for the combined spatial, spectral, polarimetric and temporal characterization of forest stands using Sentinel-1 & -2

EORC Talk: Wald5Dplus: An open benchmark dataset for the combined spatial, spectral, polarimetric and temporal characterization of forest stands using Sentinel-1 & -2


March 24, 2025

The Earth Observation Research Cluster (EORC) invites to a talk by Sarah Hauser and Andreas Schmitt (see below), entitledWald5Dplus: An open benchmark dataset for the combined spatial, spectral, polarimetric and temporal characterization of forest stands using Sentinel-1 & -2“. The talk will be given in presence at the EORC (John-Skilton-Str. 4a) on Tuesday, May 13, starting at 3 p.m. We look forward to seeing you and having an interesting joint discussion. Save the date!


Wald5Dplus: An open benchmark dataset for the combined spatial, spectral, polarimetric and temporal characterization of forest stands using Sentinel-1 & -2


Sarah Hauser (1,2,3) , Andreas Schmitt (1,2)

1 Institute for Applications of Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems | Munich, Germany

2 Geoinformatics Department, Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences | Munich, Germany

3 Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Karlsruhe, Germany


Wald5Dplus is an open benchmark dataset designed to advance AI-driven forest ecosystem monitoring through multi-sensor, multi-temporal data fusion. By integrating Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 optical data on hypercomplex bases, Wald5Dplus provides high-resolution Analysis Ready Data (ARD) cubes that capture spectral, polarimetric, and temporal characteristics across diverse German forest sites. Optimized with an ensemble-based Random Forest model, Wald5Dplus supports accurate, scalable predictions of forest attributes, demonstrating strong transferability across regions and underscoring its value for regional forest monitoring applications.


Tuesday, 13th of May, 03 p.m. | Seminar room 1 (00.B.04), John-Skilton-Str. 4a


Would you also like to give a talk in the EORC Talk series and network with staff, students, and other persons interested in remote sensing and ecological and environmental research? Contact via sarah.schoenbrodt-stitt@uni-wuerzburg.de


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