Final meeting of the project working group in our afforestation project

Final meeting of the project working group in our afforestation project

January 30, 2025

As part of the project “Potentials of Afforestation and Restoration from Nature Conservation,” which is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with resources from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV), we had the opportunity today to present and discuss the findings of our research from the past three years.

During the meeting of the project working group, we engaged in a productive exchange with key stakeholders, sharing insights and exploring the implications of our research for future conservation and restoration efforts. Our findings, along with those of our project partners from TU Dresden—which leads the project—and the Öko-Institut e.V. (Institute for Applied Ecology), contribute to a broader understanding of the ecological and socio-economic potential of afforestation and restoration in nature conservation.

These results will be integrated into the collective knowledge base of the project and will be published as part of the BfN series of publications, ensuring that our research can inform policy, practice, and future initiatives in ecological restoration and sustainable land use.

We are excited about the impact this work can have and look forward to continued collaboration in advancing nature-based solutions for biodiversity conservation and climate resilience.

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