successful first WUEMoCA Administrator Training

successful first WUEMoCA Administrator Training

November 21, 2017

From October 24 to 27, the Department of Remote Sensing at the University of Würzburg (Germany) conducted its first WUEMoCA administrator training at the partner institution, the Scientific Information Center – Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (SIC ICWC) in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). This training thus followed the transfer of the WUEMoCA server to the SIC ICWC.

WUEMoCA (Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia) has been developed in cooperation with the SIC ICWC (Prof. Dr. Viktor Dukhovniy), the Department of Remote at the University of Würzburg, and the German SME green spin GmbH in Würzburg within the 3rd phase (2015-2017) of the Regional Research Network «Central Asian Water» (CAWa).

For the sustainable operation and maintenance in Central Asia, the entire tool system of WUEMoCA (Beta Version) with all its hardware and software components has been transferred in October 2017 to a server hosted by the SIC ICWC. Following this server transfer and aiming at the future regional administration, staff members at the SIC ICWC were trained in all technical aspects of the tool’s system. The administrator training included topics such as:

  • Automated processing chain with server scripts for the processes of MODIS download, land use classification, yield modeling, evapotranspiration estimation, indicator calculation, and spatial aggregation,
  • WebGIS with geodatabase structure, map server and web map services, map layer styles, and client web mapping application,
  • Server scripts of the interactive user polygon tool My Polygons, and
  • Server scripts of the Water use efficiency calculation tool.

Furthermore, potential use cases and according workflows for further potential technical modifications and improvements such as the implementation of new indicators have been discussed and exemplarily realized.

WUEMoCA (Beta Version) can be freely accessed by any current standard web browser using the URL


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