If you want to understand Earth, you have to go into space – DLR and EORC contribute to series of events

If you want to understand Earth, you have to go into space – DLR and EORC contribute to series of events

November 20, 2024

If you want to understand the Earth, you have to go into space – this is the motto of a series of events organized by vhs München this winter. DLR and EORC are making a double contribution to the series of events:

Yesterday evening, Hannes Taubenböck gave a presentation on “The view from space – how we live”. Using remote sensing and other geodata and derived geoinformation, he discussed with the audience in what form this knowledge can contribute to the future of building and living. https://www.mvhs.de/kurse/natur-wissenschaft-technik/naturwissenschaft-technik-themen-im-fokus/fernerkundung-und-der-weg-in-den-weltraum/der-blick-aus-dem-all-wie-wohnen-wir-460-C-T311153


At the end of January 2025, DLR will offer a guided tour in Oberpfaffenhofen, where research work of the department “Georisks and Civil Security” of the Earth Observation Center at DLR and services such as the “Center for satellite-based crisis information (ZKI)” will be presented.






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