Kickoff Meeting of the FluBig Project

Kickoff Meeting of the FluBig Project

February 28, 2024

On Tuesday, 27th of February, the kickoff meeting of the DFG funded projected FluBig took place at the EORC in Würzburg. Jointly with colleagues from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Earth Observation Research Cluster, we discussed how to organize our research dedicated to a better understanding cross-scale interaction of vegetation and hydromorphology and planned our first field expedition to the Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan (photo). Starting in April, we will stay about five weeks in Central Asia to conduct vegetation mapping, geomorphic surveys and UAV data acquisition. Stay tuned for updates from the project and the expedition. We keep you updated here on the remote-sensing blog.

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