Antonio joined our Earth Observation Research Hub in October within the EcoGlob project and works in the framework of remote sensing for biodiversity and conservation. His research focuses on the application of UAS/UAV for mapping different ecosystems and aims to answer various questions from geographical and biological sciences. Before Antonio started as a new staff member, he studied the EAGLE M.Sc. study program and handed in a MSc thesis on UAS Lidar data analysis for forest attributes. He already worked in Colombia before coming to Germany and is also spending lots of his time cycling and photography. He is also involved in the UrbanSens initiative to monitor urban air quality using low-cost IoT sensors on bikes.
Five Years of Data Cube Innovations in AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0
Over the past five years, we made significant advancements with our Data Cube development within the AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 project. We enhanced the system architecture and the offerings of the Data Cube to optimize the use of remote sensing data for agricultural...