Our EAGLE MSc. student Jakob Schwalb-Willmann just published a neat animal movement and remote sensing animation package called “moveVis“. It allows to animate movement tracks with corresponding or static remote sensing environmental data. Jakob is currently working to implement some more functionality. These will allow more customization and also some more information retrieval of resource use of single individuals. This new package will be used in the upcoming science schools AniMove and already got a lot of attention by people working in the interdisciplinary field of remote sensing and animal movement.
Science Slam in Rosenheim: Hannes Taubenböck wins again
After the completely surprising win of the Science Slam in Würzburg in November 2024 (we reported about it: https://remote-sensing.org/hannes-taubenbock-represents-eorc-at-the-science-slam-and-wins/), Hannes Taubenböck was invited to the Science Slam in Rosenheim. The...