On April 28 and 29 the WASCAL Research Action Plan (WRAP 2.0) projects have been officially launched in Ouagadougou by BMBF and WASCAL. The projects have been kicked-off in physical presence of the German Ambassador to Burkina Faso, a representative of the Nigerian Ambassador to Burkina Faso and representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Burkina Faso. Project scientists from various West African countries joined the meeting to discuss administrative aspects and present the research concepts to the projects.
Overall, six projects, all funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) started their work. Our staff members Insa Otte, Itohan-Osa Abu and Michael Thiel are happy to be part of the projects LANDSURF and MIGRAWARE (see also here) and the WRAP 2.0 community.
Michael Thiel, who attended the Meeting in person, has been able to meet and link up again with longterm research partners, colleagues and new partners in research and development from the region.