Our research covered in various news channels

Our research covered in various news channels

June 22, 2024

Our joint research with various other disciplines got covered by various radio stations such as:

Deutschlandfunk: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/urbane-hitzeinseln-vermeiden-warum-wuerzburg-jetzt-per-lastenrad-kartiert-wird-dlf-f74d8b70-100.html

Bayern 2: https://www.br.de/radio/live/bayern2/programm/2024-06-20/3541047/#t=13:33:24

BR24: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/studie-wie-wollen-wir-in-zukunft-in-den-staedten-leben,UGCbzB0

BR24: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/br24/verkehrsprojekt-mehr-sicherheit-fuer-radfahrer-in-der-stadt/br-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL3ZpZGVvL2Q3OTM5ZGZiLTY2MGItNDQyZi1iMzZlLTY4OGUyMjRiZGNjMg

Tagesschau: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/regional/bayern/br-studie-wie-wollen-wir-in-zukunft-in-den-staedten-leben-100.html

This news coverage originated out of a bigger idea from geolinguistik, combined with psychology, city planner up to informatics. Read more about it here. Our colleague Prof. Marco Schmidt equipped one of our cargo bikes with a variety of environmental sensors and Prof. Andreas Nüchter added Lidar systems to it. These measurements were taken in the same time other disciplines such as sport sciences, linguistics or psychologists collected their data within the same study area of the city of Würzburg.

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