Our students visit the DLR-EOC

Our students visit the DLR-EOC

December 14, 2016

Our EAGLE (www.eagle-science.org) and Global Change Ecology (www.global-change-ecology.org) students visited the Earth Observation Centre (DLR-EOC) and got to know the high diversity of applied earth observation research done at DLR. The talks covered various aspects of remote sensing such as application in conservation to animal movement and mapping of urban areas or glaciers.


  • Welcome and DLR overview
    Doris Klein
  • Forest Cover Loss in Paraguay and Ecosystem Service Approaches
    Emmanuel Da Ponte
  • Mapping natural resources using imaging spectroscopy
    Stefanie Holzwarth
  • German Space Operations Center (GSOC)
  • Remote sensing for the support of humanitarian aid
    Konstanze Lechner
  • Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information (ZKI)
    Alexander Mager
  • Earth observation with SAR
    Birgit Wessel
  • The century of the cities – Monitoring the transformation of the global urban environment using EO-data
    Hannes Taubenböck
  • Movement and behavior modes of white storks in relation to settlement patterns and structures
    Ines Standfuss
  • Air pollution in megacities
    Thilo Erbertseder



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