WASCAL-DE-Coop and the Earth Observation Research Hub contribute to an IWA Webinar on EO to legislation

WASCAL-DE-Coop and the Earth Observation Research Hub contribute to an IWA Webinar on EO to legislation

November 14, 2022

Are you interested in the science-policy interface and how to bring Earth Observation (EO) into legislation? As a subgroup of the  IWA Digital Water Programme, the EO for Water Management Community of Practices organizes the webinar “Science to Policy: from Earth Observation to legislation” targeting practitioners, academics and researchers, utilities, students, engineers, policymakers. It will take place on the 18th of November 2022. With our Ph.D. student (BMBF-funded project WASCAl-DE-Coop), Alexandra Bell, as one of three panelists, the Earth Observation Research Hub at the University of Würzburg will gladly contribute. Stay tuned and join!

You can register here

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