vacant W2 professorship Remote Sensing in Geography

vacant W2 professorship Remote Sensing in Geography

December 11, 2020

A new vacant professorship on remote sensing in geography is published. Please see below for an english version. The official german version can be seen here:

The Faculty of Arts of the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg,

(Historical, Philological, Cultural and Geographical Studies)

invites applications for the position of a University Professor

(grade W2-professorship)


Remote Sensing in Geography

as a civil servant on a life-term contract at the earliest possible date.

The candidate will represent the discipline of geographical Remote Sensing at the Institute of Geography and Geology. It is required that the candidate has proven internationally outstanding expertise in Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics through publications and academic contacts.

His/her research should focus on answering current geographical issues such as climate change, use of natural resources as well as related economic and ecological questions at the interface with Physical Geography and/or Human Geography. The candidate should have a broad methodological knowledge using optical and SAR sensors, preferably in combination with physical and/or AI approaches. Furthermore, expertise in addressing diverse questions in different geographical regions is of advantage. Requirements include interdisciplinary and international cooperation documented in form of completed projects, successful research proposals and peer-reviewed publications. Sound experience in academic teaching and the supervision of dissertations is assumed. The candidate is expected to show a high level of commitment in the initiation of projects and in further shaping the English-language Master’s Degree Programme EAGLE. In addition, active participation in academic self-governance is required.

Official requirements for the position are a completed university degree, pedagogical suitability and a particular aptitude for academic work generally substantiated by the outstanding quality of the candidate’s doctoral degree. Additionally, a Habilitation or the proof of equivalent academic achievements in the field of Remote Sensing, which might also be achieved within the framework of a Junior Professorship or outside the academic sector, is expected.

At the time of appointment into civil service, it is conditional to the candidate having not turned age 52 yet (exceptions are possible in accordance to Article 10 section 3 of the Bavarian Act on Personnel in Higher Education, BayHSchPG). The University of Würzburg attributes great importance to the intensive supervision of students and PhD candidates and expects lecturers to show corresponding commitment.

The University of Würzburg seeks to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and therefore strongly encourages qualified female scientists to apply. With equal qualifications, preference will be given to candidates with disabilities.

Applications including the usual documents (dated and signed curriculum vitae, transcript of records and degree certificates, a list of publications, a list of academic courses, record of previous third-party funded projects) are to be submitted to the following address latest by 01.03.2021Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg.

It is requested to fill in the application form and send it as a word file via e-mail ( to the Office of the Dean.

By submitting application documents, the applicant consents to the data entered to be saved and processed in electronic form for the selection procedure, being eventually forwarded to the experts involved. The applicant also agrees that the data sent will only be returned after conclusion of the process.

Application forms and further information are available at

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