Workshop Report at the Department of Remote Sensing – December 08, 2021

Workshop Report at the Department of Remote Sensing – December 08, 2021

November 24, 2021

We are glad to announce our next workshop report at the Department of Remote Sensing. On the 08th of December, Johannes Löw, Tobias Ullmann, Steven Hill, and Christopher Conrad (see below) will talk about “PhenoSAR-Demmin: Tracking crop phenology based on a complementary dataset of polarimetric and interferometric Sentinel-1 time series”.


The goal of the PhenoSAR Demmin project is to evaluate potential information inherent to the Sentinel-1 time series to monitor farmland. Hereby, a particular focus is set on phenological development. The expected result is a monitoring framework to detect various stages of plant growth and their transition. This framework is based on interferometric and polarimetric Sentinel-1 time series and the underlying information about changes in plant geometry. Additionally, this project focuses on the improved transferability and scalability of its approach. Hence, its primary platform of development is an open data cube environment. With the test site DEMMIN as the study area, the project is connected to ongoing research in the AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 project as well as the German TERENO and international JECAM Initiatives.

Title of presentation: PhenoSAR-Demmin: Tracking crop phenology based on a complementary dataset of polarimetric and interferometric Sentinel-1 time series Authors: Johannes Löw (presenter)1,3, Tobias Ullmann2, Steven Hill1, Christopher Conrad3

1 Department of Remote Sensing, University of Würzburg, 2 Chair of Geography – Physical Geography, Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Würzburg, 3 Department of Geoecology, Institute of Geosciences and Geography, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale, Germany

Date: Wednesday, 08th of December, 2021 Time: 09 – 10 am s.t. Place: Online Presentation language: English Slides: English

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