Backpack based Lidar system for Earth Observation field work

Backpack based Lidar system for Earth Observation field work


January 12, 2022

Preparing Earth Observation field work campaigns and testing our backpack-based Lidar system for analyzing vertical structure of the environment. We will test it on various settings to ensure that the upcoming field work across Europe will be a success and spend time now during the winter season to fine-tune the field equipment and analyze the test data for future proper research analysis.

The system will be applied across different environments, from forest to grassland to urban systems and of course also used for teaching purposes in order to expose our students to the variety of field work possibilities.

Some screenshots or the previews are displayed, based on one single quick walk on the Campus (yellow line below). In the next weeks we work on the final processing of the full resolution point cloud and the corresponding RGB images and test the best field data acquisition pattern.


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