COVID-19: Department and major parts of the University in Home-office

COVID-19: Department and major parts of the University in Home-office


March 19, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 situation major parts of the university as well as our department complied to the recommendations of the state to limit personal interactions in order to slow down the spread of this new virus. Hence, no office hours for personal discussions are available anymore as well as classroom teaching. Many of us decided to work from home but we we are all still available through email or telephone (just call our office numbers and you will be redirected) during normal working hours.

Please do not hesitate to contact us!

The communication, projects, the research, the writing and coding is going on as usual, just the personal direct interactions have been moved to virtual meeting rooms.

We wish you all the best and hope to meet all of our students, collaborators and staff soon again in person.

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