EAGLE MSc. graduation

EAGLE MSc. graduation


April 12, 2024

We are very happy to celebrate again the graduation of some of our EAGLE M.Sc. students. The candidates already handed in their M.Sc. thesis a while ago but just recently we had our EAGLE graduation party and enjoyed to celebrate this important milestone with all graduates and current EAGLEs.
The presentations this time were:
• Ása Aðalsteinsdóttir: “SAR Monitoring in Iceland” • Katrin Wernicke: „Mapping Refugee Camps with DL” • Malin Fischer: „From EAGLE to International Development” • Ka Hei Chow: “Mapping Global Aboveground Biomass using DL” • Luisa Wagner: “Ice Shelf Dynamics – from Observation to Modelling” • Dilara Kim: “Snowlines from space: observing Central Asian glaciers” • Magdalena Halbgewachs: “Working at the center of Satellised Based Crisis Information” • Vanessa Rittlinger: “Detection of Georisks in Space and Time”
Our EAGLE graduates are now working in various organizations form research organizations to companies – doing their PhD or aiming at a career at UN-FAO, DLR or EURAC.

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