EORC Members at EGU

EORC Members at EGU


May 5, 2024

In the last week of April, Baturalp Arisoy and Florian Betz from the Earth Observation Research Cluster participated at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, in short EGU. With more than 20.000 participants and almost 19.000 contributions, EGU is the outstanding event in the calender of European geoscientists. The conference covers a wide range of topics from planetary sciences over earth surface processes and hydrology to science-policy dialogue. Thus, EGU is a great platform for networking and for discussion with scientists from different disciplines.
Our lab members presented on ongoing and upcoming projects of the Earth Observation Research Cluster. Baturalp presented on “Desert sensing – characterizing recent surface dynamics in arid regions through earth observation” while Florian talked about his research on the use of satellite time series for analyzing river dynamics introducing the topic “Towards system scale understanding of the complex interaction of the hydrologic, geomorphic and ecologic processes controlling ecosystem functioning in river corridors”. Both presentations have been delivered in the PICO format that combines the advantages of both, oral and poster presentations in an innovative type of presentation which provides an excellent opportunity to interact with the audience. In particular Baturalp Arisoy could benefit from this opportunity and receive insightful feedback for his PhD work. In addition, he had the chance to introduce some of EORC’s state-of-the-art methods to geoscientist from various backgrounds.

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