Field work in the DFG beta-FOR sites

Field work in the DFG beta-FOR sites


March 17, 2023

      In the context of the BETA-FOR project, a field trip was conducted in the   University Forest of JMU (close to Hassfurt), Saarland and Nationalpark   Hunsrück-Hochwald in order to conduct measurements of the extent of the patches   under study and support other PhD students of BETA-FOR setting up insect traps,   sound recorder or camera traps. Therefore, observations from airborne and   spaceborne remote sensing sensors can be linked to in-situ measurements of   biodiversity. This interdisciplinary and multi-scale approach of BETA-FOR allows   to bridge the analysis of alpha- and beta-diversity to gamma-scale for   larger-scale understanding to enhance the structural complexity of forests by   improving multidiversity and multifunctionality.                

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